Monday, October 13, 2008

Frogmore Stew supper

I had been wanting to have a Frogmore Stew supper for a while already,
so when I mentioned it to my Mom, she agreed to help me have one for the Miller family.
Mervin & Betty agreed to host the shindig at their place.
I was the one in charge of all the food preparations.
Usually you make this in a turkey cooker or a large stock pot, but I wanted to
make it outside in a big iron kettle. The ingredients were:
potatoes, carrots, corn on the cob, mushrooms, sausage, chicken , & shrimp
all mixed together with a broth of ketchup, vinegar, oil, water and crab seasonings...


Applied Linguistics said...

Thanks for the information. I read an Amish story, Lydia's Charm. I became interested in the Frogmore Stew because it was featured in the story as a fun, family idea/celebration. Blessings! Charlene L. Wichita, KS

Unknown said...

I invited my husbands family for frogmore stew and one sister-in-law had never heard of it. a few days later she was telling her grandson of this crazy dish she had and he replied "but Grandma we had that for supper last night its not a crazy dish we have it a lot"